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A Girl and Her Cake ©

Many times, when either you yourself, or a loved one, is ill, the desire is to want to stop the suffering, immediately. It's difficult for us to be in pain and more difficult to watch someone we love, suffer.

Being someone who has empath tendencies, it's usually my first offense meant as defense, to jump right into action…to research, to stop the suffering, because I can empathize so strongly with the suffering and I want it to stop. It pains me greatly to see others suffer. It's palpable for me.

But like so many things in this life, difficult times can teach us lessons, & cause us to learn truths, if we are only open to the schooling.  

Much as we cannot and would not, stop the labor of a woman about to give birth due to the pain she is in, we cannot blunt the immediate pain of difficult times without first learning from them and seeing the birth of a new start, come to fruition. Suffering teaches us lessons, makes sure that we stand up and pay attention to what is going on around us, in our lives, our environment, and what we MUST change, in order to bring back the balance that God desires for us.

No woman who has ever given birth, has found herself unchanged by the experience. You too, should not remain unchanged by the pain of the "birth process" that life affords us. But you must be open to learning from it.

For some of you reading this, maybe your Achilles heel is not currently illness. Maybe it's stress, a job you hate, toxic people in your life or for many, politics and the current election. The latter being an extreme example of how far we have fallen down a rabbit hole by not watching where we are going. 

We argue politics to a level that has become so very toxic, that we are disturbing our own sense of peace and joy. When instead, what we need to be doing, is praying. God asks us to pray for our leaders, no matter who they are, no matter if we agree or disagree with them. Prayer is healing. Anger is damaging and toxic.

We rally against change or personal suffering, but we refuse to learn from it, when it has so much to teach us.

Dr. Francisco Contreras, MD, stated that just ONE MINUTE of anger, causes 6 HOURS of depression of our immune system, significantly. While just ONE MINUTE of laughter, will significantly BOOST your immune system for 24 hours!

Yet instead of spending our time laughing, and finding joy, we purposely search for that which angers us. We are a drama driven culture that are quite literally, making ourselves ill and unhappy. Social media is driven by this weakness….it has become a place where anyone can say anything to others, no matter how detrimental to the listener's or reader's health and happiness. It allows selfish ambition to override the greater good.

We put ourselves through incredible amounts of stress by focusing on the things that we cannot at the moment change, things we may not agree with, or things that upset us. We, then, in turn, allow that anger to grow into rage, with people hurling insults at people they do not even know, verbally or physically assaulting others who don't agree with us, and holed up in front of our devices and glowing screens, arguing with strangers while our blood pressure escalates.

Is it any wonder that we are a sick people?

We seek to blame, to point fingers and to live in a state of constant emotional turmoil. This is NOT what God had in mind for us.

We attack our brothers and sisters, our fellow human beings, because we cannot allow ourselves to see their thought process, points of view or to understand how they reached a conclusion different from our own. And we take it seriously, until it makes us both ill. Nobody wins that game. We all lose.

All the while, our immune systems are suffering tremendously, causing our bodies to break down.

We are mistaken if we don't stand up and take notice that the world is sometimes designed in a way, in our modern way of living, to keep people at odds with one another, to create drama, because in doing so, this creates income and drives economies. Unhappy people become people who need fast food and junk, coffee, drugs, cigarettes and other devices to help them cope. People who are constantly exposed to stressors, become sick. Money drives a world that is only interested in the almighty dollar…and yet Scripture tells us that the love of money, is the root of all evil. Yet, we are not noticing.

God has given us all that we need. Our cure, our health, lies in the earth. The sunlight that re-energizes our cells and that is encapsulated in the foods of the earth, for our bodies to use. Pure water that hydrates our cells. The pulsing of the earth's magnetic fields that can most readily be seen in our heart's beat and visibly by the way plants grow better with music and how readily our joy increases when we hear our favorite song. But those healers, are being blocked by man-made technology that while it allows us to communicate more, it also stirs us up into a constant state of frenzy and unhappiness all the while clogging up the conduits from Heaven. It's a vicious cycle.

We are ruining our earth. We are poisoning the very things that God put into place to nourish and sustain us.

We are beings of light. Man is created in God's image and God is light. Science has found that our healthy cells, emit, light! While unhealthy cells are nearly void of light. Our cells become unhealthy because of the toxins, the electromagnetic pollution (wifi, cell phone towers, etc.), unhealthy food, lack of sunshine and fresh air/oxygen, lack of pure water and a state of constant, inflammation-producing stress that comes from unhealthy lifestyles, too much information, social media, news with a mind to distort facts 24/7 and upset us, and a feeling that we must be plugged in, continually, to be informed. It's literally killing us.

As Dr. Patrick Quillin, Ph.D., R.D. and C.N.S. has said. "Stress is a killer, but music is a healer."

Music, fresh air, pure water, sunshine, oxygen, movement, good food and getting the hell away from everything that has created a crush on your personal happiness and health….or at least limiting it…toxic tv shows, toxic social media, toxic relationships, toxic foods is KEY to taking back your personal happiness and health.

God created these amazing machines, these bodies of ours, and formed them from the earth, full of energy, light and breath. We are amazing! God's creation is amazing.

Instead of spending one more minute on social media…Google pictures of the Universe. Take in the breath-taking beauty that is all around us. See how we are but a small and magnificent part, of a wondrous Creation. Light, air, oxygen, energy. It's all around us. It runs through our very beings. It pulsates through each and every one of us…yes, even that person that you disagree with and call horrific names on social media. That person you don't know, you've never met, but you find yourself ensconced in a back and forth of escalating proportions, slinging hatred at one another and driving equally, your health, in a downward spiral.

Difficult times teach us valuable lessons. In them, we can learn. We can find truth. We can make positive, life affirming changes to ourselves and our environment. But first, we must shut down the fog-inducing din that surrounds us, and really listen for the voice of our Creator. ~DK